Things that happened at work::

1. Got the best prank phone call ever. Some random guy called and sang baby shark to me
2. A customer told me I was an absolute blessing because we still had the frosty machine up
3. New guy did really fucking well so we weren’t closing short for once
4. Actually got off of work on time for once in my goddamn life


Since Tumblr has decided it’s time to shoot itself in the foot, I’m listing other ways to get in touch with me. I don’t plan on deleting at the moment, but we’ll see how things go when the dust settles.

Since Tumblr has decided it’s time to shoot itself in the foot, I’m listing other ways to get in touch with me. I don’t plan on deleting at the moment, but we’ll see how things go when the dust settles.


She wouldn’t leave and he needed to get away from her. He’d messed with magic on his own, before his life had gone to shit. And he messed with it still, when things got out of hand and normal weapons wouldn’t work. But he still hated it. He knew it was dangerous and that made her dangerous, no matter how decent she’d seemed. He bolted for the door, already running through his connections, trying to think of somewhere he could stay.

She let him pass, let him literally run from her before she sank to the floor, all bravado gone as soon as she was alone. Shaking, she brought her knees to her chest as tried to breathe past the tightness in her lungs. Of all the ways whatever this was to end, this had not been what she was expecting.


“Between them and Benji, I don’t think I’ve ever known softer people in my life.” But it was weirdly nice to know that despite everything they’d all been through, they were still kind. “Even Benji doesn’t really like Izzy. He’s… not super great. But…” He shrugged. “You can make your own choices. I don’t have to agree with them all.”

“I’m not even that soft,” she replied, wondering if she ever had been. Even as a kid, she had been a little on the wild side of the spectrum. “As many flaws as he has, he never actually got Tru hurt or ditched her. I have to give him credit for that at least. I think he’d still check in on her even if they hadn’t had Lin.” Which was oddly comforting. “You know I love you, right?”