Had to put Rabbit and Lex in quarantine for mild cases of pink eye. Not only are the two of them throwing a hissy fit and SOBBING from the bathroom, but ALL EIGHT OF MY OTHER MALES are throwing a fit from the bedroom because how dare I try to keep the infection from spreading to the rest of them. Fucking hell, cats are ridiculous. 


He tipped his head, watching her for a moment. “Should have died, I think. Thank you for that, Acacia. I do not believe I’ve said it sober, but… thank you.” He hadn’t expected her help, didn’t believe she would do it again. But he appreciated what she had done.

“I so should not have told you my real name,” she sighed, eyes rolling as her body relaxed. “And you don’t have to thank me. If anything, you ought to thank the harpy that tipped me off.”


“She loves Lin. She’ll love this baby too. Callie might be happy to hear it. She likes Izzy.” But he also knew that Callie and Lin sometimes had issues because of Izzy, so maybe she wouldn’t be that thrilled after all. “He’s… not as bad at parenting as we all thought he’d be.”

“Simone loves everyone she meets for the most part. Her and Kat probably get along great.” Honestly, the two of them reminded her of each other a lot some days. “True. But still. It’s Izzy and I know how much you dislike him.”


“…I’ve always liked Britt.” He did try not to have favorites, but she was probably his favorite of Ava’s children. “I think anyone who knows Izzy isn’t going to be all that surprised by it. He’s… probably never going to change.” He didn’t really want to change, which was fine, Jasper supposed, but it would be nice if he could go be himself around other people.

“That does not shock me.” Britt was more the type of person most would assume he was friends with. They definitely had more common interests than she and Jasper had but that did not stop Lyri from loving him so much. “I think Simone is going to be the one most excited overall. Since she’s friends with him and all.” At least there was that. She knew she loved the baby already, but that didn’t mean she was thrilled about Izzy being the child’s father.


“If the sun’s not up, I don’t want to be dealing with things,” he replied. Which wasn’t entirely accurate. He handled plenty of business in the middle of the night, but right now he was tired and he’d rather be sleeping. “You need eight hours.” And he knew she hadn’t had that. “What if I just let you pout?”

“Fuck the sun.” It was her general mood in all things involving being awake during the day. It was part of why she was often watching him sleep, despite their mother telling her that was a little on the obsessive side. “I need your attention more than sleep and I can and will bite you. Don’t tempt me.”


“I don’t blame him,” he admitted. It wasn’t probably what she wanted to hear, but it was true. He wouldn’t blame any of the kids who didn’t want to deal with him. “I… don’t know if he’s going to be able to do it gently, but Lin’ll be okay. What about Tru?”

“Britt punched him in the face. Sort of wish I had been there to see that.” She doubted he had gone to see Elise yet, but she also knew her daughter didn’t exactly want to see him either. “Tru isn’t going to care too much, honestly? She knows Izzy and I have a history of stupid choices from before she got mixed up with him and Cian.” 


“He can spend time with Tass without you needing to be there,” he pointed out. “You’re allowed to need time. That’s okay.” He remembered how much it had broken her to lose him. He couldn’t blame her for being cautious now. “He already had to find out that his sister is actually his mom. He hand’ed that pretty well. I think he’ll be alright. Not necessarily thrilled but, he’ll be okay.”

“Todd won’t even look at him when he comes over,” she confessed quietly. Truth be told, she had taken to sleeping by herself through it all because even the scent of her brother on Cam’s skin was too much for her still. “I’m making Izzy tell him.”