
“Oh, you think I don’t know about all of that stuff? About how you had him locked up? He only hurt Grandma because of you. That was your fault.”

Whether Chance had twisted any truths to his benefit or not, Teddy was well versed on the things that had gone on long before he was born, and not just from Chance’s telling of it. Sera had filled in some of the blanks too, offered up a second perspective that explained things better, as well as bits and pieces of details from other family members to answer questions the kid had had as he was growing up.

“Seems like if anyone is out of the loop here, it’s you.”

Gods, he was going to need a drink after this encounter. Or several. He knew there was no use in trying to use logic, the boy seemed far too much like Chance that it was a little unnerving. 

“He needed to be locked up. He was using your mother to torture some of his siblings and he nearly killed his nephew. He did all of that just for the hell of it. Boo still has the scars from nearly being gutted. Not to mention what he did to your older siblings.” 

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