
Quid faceres, si non putas?

The angels tone was as cold and expressionless as his face and if Chance was trying to appeal to whatever remained of Azrael as he knew him, then it was a sure sign of desparation, since there was no way he could know whether there was anything left, and the creature before him may not have any sort of emotional sentiment that could be used as leverage.

Still, Azrael was also keenly aware of just how much time remained before one of his siblings was called into the fray. After all, in unlocking the binds on his mind, Jophiel had conveniently also boosted Azrael’s omniscience, particularly with regard to the presence of his brothers and sisters.

Exspecto aliquid?

He ignored the first question, fiddling with his phone absently. There was a tightness in his shoulders as he text his youngest son’s wife, telling her to drag Teddy the hell out of town if she had to because he doubted his son would listen to sense. The boy was too much like himself to run without being forced.·

“Just someone better equipped to handle your little psychotic breakdown.” Chance paused, glancing up from his phone with the ghost of a smirk touching his lips.

“You didn’t think I would be stupid enough to touch those chains, did you? I’ve done my research on you. I know if you get lose, you’ll kill my Seraphine and then I go back to being chained up in the Underworld. I’ll pass on that, thanks.”

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