
Azrael laughed scornfully at the assumption.

Puto te angustus.

That Chance thought Azrael cared about such small matters in the grand scheme of things was amusing to the angel. As much research as his stepson might have done, it was clear he missed the point entirely in the scope of what Azrael would set out to do if he was unchained. Personal slights aimed at Chance were nothing to him when he apparently had a world full of sinners to burn.

“Hardly. I just don’t care beyond how it affects me personally,” he replied flatly. There was no point in lying and they both knew it.

Chance paused, a considering look on his face. “Although, when this little snap is over with, you’re more than welcome to set Tassos on fire. I hardly think mother would mind too terribly. I’ll even bring the marshmallows for that one.”

It was a fun thought, but not enough to make him unchain the other either. With the way Az was responding, he wasn’t entirely sure his stepfather would remember any of this once he was put back in the head space the entire family knew. 

“I’d like you better like this if it wouldn’t cause so many annoying little issues. You know, it was the initial reason I liked you more than my father. Although I do suppose like is a strong word. You never denied there was that darkness in you.”

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