
“Well it looks like my mom is smarter than all y’all, ‘cause she can get him to do or not do anything she wants.”

Not that Chance stopped killing entirely, but Sera had been the only one to figure out how to get Chance to agree to a blood bond that prevented him from going after family or anyone closely attached, and even several decades down the line, it was still going strong without CHance screwing up.

“So explain it to me. Explain why I should trust your word over his or why you’re any better than anyone else I’ve talked to about it, including Great Grandad.”

“Your grandmother said the same thing for decades and look where that got her.”

He knew his son would never give up killing and it was only a matter of time before something made him snap completely again. Chance was about as stable as Konis and Tass didn’t hold much fondness for his own mother either.

“Thanatos was hardly around at the time, so I’m not entirely sure he counts as a reliable source of information during that time frame,” he growled, never quite realizing that he had been less present than his own father. Nor did he notice that Chance’s poor impulse control was maybe inherited more from him than Brittia. 

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