
Lex shrugged vaguely, not really seeing how any of what he did was the guys business unless he was going to pay him for it, and from how he’d chased the other guy off, Lex doubted he was looking to take up a transaction instead.

“I dunno, a couple of days ago, I guess? What do you care? You’re not one of those bleeding heart, “trying to save my soul from a life of sin” type creeps, are you? Because I don’t believe in any of that shit, so save yourself the breath.”

“That would be my husband, not me.” He honestly didn’t care if the kid was selling ass to make a living, but he could at least be a little safer about it. Besides, who could he judge when he was a serial killer?

Instead, he pulled out the black leather wallet from his back pocket and dug out some cash, a couple hundred, and handed it to him. “Get yourself something to eat and maybe screen your clientele a little better so you don’t end up dead, kid.”

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