

“You didn’t have to fuckin’ do that. I could have handled that shit.”

He wasn’t necessarily trying to sound ungrateful, but Lex was used to clients getting a little too overly handsy sometimes, so having some stranger intervene and chase the guy off didn’t help the fact that he’d have to be out longer tonight to make up for the money he’d have made otherwise if he wanted to eat for the next few days.

Still, the upset in his tone wasn’t just about the inconvenient position he’d been put into now. He was genuinely a little shaken up, hating being faced with aggression and the posibility of rougher treatment than he generally liked, but he put on a tough front to hide any sign of vulnerability out in the open.

“Didn’t look that way from where I was standing.”

There was no emotion to his words, grey eyes as cold as winter skies as he looked the kid over. He was human, young, that much was obvious, but there was something else that he couldn’t place. Whatever it was, it reminded him a little of Ollie at that age.

“When did you eat last?” Most people didn’t work the streets by choice, that much he knew.

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