
Lex stayed mostly quiet for the duration of the journey, though the silence was oddly comfortable, giving him a chance to feel a little calmer and settled than his earlier anxiety and stress. They were pulling up on the subway station quicker than Lex realised he would have liked, and a small part of him regretted refusing a ride all the way back, but his reluctance had mostly been born out of habit for the safety of not letting anyone know where he lived, and partly because he found himself feeling ashamed that he lived in relative squalor compared to Deveraux’s place and he didn’t want Dev to know that.

The car parked, but Dev kept it running as he turned a little in the seat to look Lex over once more. Something in him didn’t really want to watch him leave, but he swallowed any urge to say so. 

“If you decide not to come back, it was nice to meet you.”


“I don’t pretend ta be things I ain’t, Lyri,” he answered. “And I ain’t sorry. Tru was fun an’ I don’t regret it. ‘sides, Lin’s a good kid. Probably the best thing ta ever come from somethin’ I’ve done. So no. Not sorry in the slightest.” He knew he wasn’t the best parent and he wasn’t as attached to Lin as most people would be. But objectively, he knew the boy had turned out better than anyone had ever hoped and he was kind of proud of him. “Mmm… Well now that depends. ‘cause I think in the long run, they all kinda fall under the not thinkin’ category. I can be very distracting.”

“Eventually, you’re going to push that kid into siding with my daughter and may someone have mercy on you then,” she remarked as she shook her head a little. It might not be for a few centuries, but she had a feeling it would happen sooner or later. “Never did thank you for looking out for Tru during that mess though. You did more than any of us thought you were capable of.” Granted, she wasn’t entirely sure if that was a good thing either. “I believe I remember just how distracting you can be.”


Most of cars were old enough that Lex didn’t even recognize what make and model they were, just that they looked pre-war, so they were at least twice as old as Lex was. Still they looked like they’d been maintained pretty decently over the span of their ownership, and it was purely only age and neglect in recent years that had set them on the path to rust and ruin.

The vehicle that still functioned was still something of a relic, but it was clearly a later addition to the collection, judging from the plates, and Lex could at least identify that it was an earlier model from a manufacturer that still existed, though all the cars that rolled off their production line now had been converted over to greener means of propulsion in line with the post-war changes in the law.

Lex looked a little confused and mildly amused at Dev holding the door for him. Nobody had done that for him since he was a kid, so it was sort of funny to him to see such an apparently old-fashioned gesture from someone around his age.

At the look, Dev gave a sheepish, almost apologetic smile. “Old habits from when I still lived with my mom,” he explained, offering no further details as he slid into the driver’s seat.

It wasn’t a long drive, but it was enough for him to get a good lock on Lex’s scent. It was a little hard not to given the close proximity, but there was something almost soothing about it.


“What’s the fun in playing it safe?” he answered, offering another smile, this one a little less forced. It had always been easier for Wyatt to act calm when he didn’t feel it, seem fine when he wasn’t, than to actually admit that things were wrong. And he figured Konis wouldn’t care enough to make him talk about anything, so he would just do what he always did.

“If you pop up when I’m naked or in the middle of things that’s on you,” she grumbled, crossing her arms and kicking her feet up on the table. She wasn’t entirely sure nudity would be a deterrent for him, but it was worth a shot. But, for now, she simply dug a bottle of vodka out from between two cushions and offered it to him. 


Frey instinctively burrowed into Dyson’s chest, instinctively seeking out his warmth and comfort, and to surround herself in his scent to help calm her and give her something else to focus on instead of the lingering ache in her joints and uncomfortable rawness in her skin from the resistance her scars caused when she shifted.

He wrapped around her as gently as possible, trying his hardest to keep from hurting her further. It bothered him to see her in pain but he knew there wasn’t much he could actually do for her with the given circumstances. 


“Where would the challenge be if I thought winning was a sure thing?” he retorted without missing a beat. “That’s half the fun of taking a gamble; the risk that you might lose.”

“And what do I get when I win?” she asked, clearly confident to the point of being a little cocky. Eva wasn’t one for losing.