
“I don’t pretend ta be things I ain’t, Lyri,” he answered. “And I ain’t sorry. Tru was fun an’ I don’t regret it. ‘sides, Lin’s a good kid. Probably the best thing ta ever come from somethin’ I’ve done. So no. Not sorry in the slightest.” He knew he wasn’t the best parent and he wasn’t as attached to Lin as most people would be. But objectively, he knew the boy had turned out better than anyone had ever hoped and he was kind of proud of him. “Mmm… Well now that depends. ‘cause I think in the long run, they all kinda fall under the not thinkin’ category. I can be very distracting.”

“Eventually, you’re going to push that kid into siding with my daughter and may someone have mercy on you then,” she remarked as she shook her head a little. It might not be for a few centuries, but she had a feeling it would happen sooner or later. “Never did thank you for looking out for Tru during that mess though. You did more than any of us thought you were capable of.” Granted, she wasn’t entirely sure if that was a good thing either. “I believe I remember just how distracting you can be.”

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