
“Never stopped ya before,” he teased. But he knew things had been pretty good for her lately. He heard things from other family members. Or sometimes Simone, who heard them from Jasper. Despite how unpleasant their last encounter had been, he was glad she was doing well. “Fair enough. We can dance instead. We can do anythin’ ya want instead, really. Not thinkin’ is sorta my specialty.”

“And then you went and fucked my granddaughter. Sort of a mood killer,” she pointed out, eyes rolling as she moved to drape her arms over his shoulders. “And don’t even try to give me some bullshit apology because we both know you’re not sorry and that you and the wolf would still be playing with her if she hadn’t gotten with Rocco.” She wasn’t an idiot when it came to Izzy, she was just shocked he hadn’t nailed more of her family. “I think you have better talents than that.”


“Reformed is so borin’. You’re doin’ a disservice to the rest’a the world, Lyri. Ya really are,” he joked, grinning. Although there was some truth to the words. The world was missing out on sleeping with Lyri. At least he’d managed to spend some time in her bed before things had changed. He moved in closer without hesitation, easily moving along to the music. “Can I ask what brings ya out here? This ain’t you’re usually scene.” Which he only knew because it had been his for a little while now.

“We both know my bed is a little on the full side.” Plus, she had so much going on in the family on top of it all. For the most part, she was happy and content. She didn’t really miss sleeping with anyone that caught her eye. “That’s something not being discussed. I don’t want to think.” Or feel, but the last was left unsaid.


“Humanity’s the most advanced it’s ever been, but people are still idiots. Some things will probably never change. And everyone who works in the service industry will have to pay for it.” He’d had shitty jobs before the current one and he remembered them too well. “I take it you’d tried to talk her into something different and failed?” he guessed, shrugging in response to her last statement. “My bad.” After all, they probably wouldn’t be up if he hadn’t been trying to leave.

“Humanity is a shit show.” The state of the world was the absolute evidence of that and it was only a matter of time before society collapsed completely. She was just hoping to be dead before that happened. “I tried to get out of going to the movies in general.” She shrugged in return as she wandered from the bedroom towards the kitchen. “I tend to wake up early anyways.”


The last time he’d seen Lyri hadn’t exactly been pleasant. In fact, she’d threatened him and neither of them had been very friendly about it. So he was surprised by the relatively warm welcome today. Still, she’d never seemed the type to bear a grudge and it wasn’t like Izzy had fucked everything up completely with Tru and Lin, so maybe she didn’t care anymore. Or maybe it was just whatever was in her system. She clearly wasn’t sober, but he wasn’t going to judge her for that. That was perhaps Izzy’s best quality. His lack of judgment.

He smiled at the statement and merely said, “Couldn’t ya’ve referenced a better song?”

“One that song is fucking great and two, it was either that or Don’t Trust Me and we both know I’m a reformed ho. Unlike some people,” she teased, tugging him a little closer as her hips swayed to the music.

Had she been more sober, she might have ignored him, but right now… Right now she needed contact and familiarity and Izzy was definitely something warm and familiar. Maybe a little too familiar, but it had been a couple decades and a small part of her honestly missed him.


“Most people,” he pointed out. It was on the long list of reasons he didn’t bother with human interaction much. “I haven’t. Zombies aren’t really my genre. But, uh, bold claim. I think I’ve gotta side with you there, but I’m not sure how many other people would.” He frowned slightly. They’d started a conversation and it wasn’t terrible. He’d wanted to leave but this wasn’t the worth. “Coffee still on the table? I’m gonna need caffeine if we’re gonna chat.”

“I wanna argue but waitressing has sort of made that impossible. With all the “but I have a coupon, it can’t be expired!” and demands to speak to the manager. Kill me.” It didn’t help that it was her grandmother’s cafe so she didn’t have a lot of choice. “My cousin made me see it in theaters with her. Too sappy and more than a little disturbing.” She smiled and pulled back her hair. “Coffee is always on the table this early in the morning.”


Seeing Tass again was fucking with her head. Lyri knew it would be better to talk to someone, Jasper most likely, but instead, she asked Cian for pills. He had tried to play stupid, but she wasn’t an idiot and he eventually caved. 

That last thing she expected to come across was anyone familiar. She had chosen a club outside of town for a reason, but it didn’t stop her from grabbing his hand and dragging him out onto the floor with her.

“Shut up and dance with me.”


“It’s not always my fault. Some people say they want a one night stand and then it turns out they lied.” But sometimes he just didn’t mention that was all he wanted. “Don’t you think you’d know if you’d fucked a zombie?” he pointed out, brow arching. “Always good to know someone’s not into necrophilia, though.” But the way she’d mentioned zombies was a little disconcerting. He couldn’t tell how much she was joking or if she knew that kind of shit was out there.

“Some people are idiots.” A lot of people, really, but that wasn’t exactly the point right now. “I don’t know, have you seen Warm Bodies? The dead kid in that stops looking pretty dead towards the end of the movie. If zombies were possible and that happened? I don’t think I’d ever fuck anyone again.” She knew zombies existed, but she had only really met one necromancer and she was dead now.


“Old habits,” he answered with a shrug. It was easier to assume that leaving wouldn’t go well than to wait until everyone was awake and let an awkward combination happen. “Not sure coffee will help with that either. The zombie look is sort of permanent.” There was a small smile accompanying the words despite the truth in them. Wilder tended to look like he hadn’t slept it weeks most of the time. Sometimes it was reality, others just an unfortunate result of many poor habits.

“Seems like you’ve been fucking around with the wrong people if they’re expecting anything beyond a one night hook up.” He was hardly the first guy she had brought home and she doubted he would be the last. “God, I hope you’re not an actual zombie. I tend to shy away from corpses.”


His eyes rolled as he slid his shirt back on. “I wasn’t going to out the window. I’m not sixteen. I was going to go out the front door. Just… quietly.” He was more than used to pulling that off. “I don’t think coffee is going to help with the walk of shame.”

She turned and pulled on the shirt she was wearing last night, not bothering with pants. It was still too early for those awful things. “There was no need to try to be sneaky about it, you weren’t going to offend me. Trust me, I am so not looking for anything beyond a hook up. But coffee will make you look less like a zombie.”


Lex remembered he’d left his clothes drying in the bathroom and quickly scurried back to retrieve them. They were still damp, but that didn’t matter much, since he’d toss them in the laundry when he got home anyway.

He only just made it back to the kitchen before Dev returned, Lex looking a little dishevelled and in a flap from the sudden burst of movement.

“Yeah, I guess.” he answered, haphazardly waving the hastily folded damp clothes in his hand.

Devereux glanced at the wad of still semi wet clothes before shrugging. “Want a bag for those?”

Once they were set, he clicked the button on the keyring to open the garage, the cars a little dusty from disuse. Only one of them was even drivable, the others from before the world essentially collapsed, but Jeff kept them out of habit.

He unlocked and opened the passenger door for Lex, holding doors sort of a habit he developed from when his mom was ill.