
Lex stayed mostly quiet for the duration of the journey, though the silence was oddly comfortable, giving him a chance to feel a little calmer and settled than his earlier anxiety and stress. They were pulling up on the subway station quicker than Lex realised he would have liked, and a small part of him regretted refusing a ride all the way back, but his reluctance had mostly been born out of habit for the safety of not letting anyone know where he lived, and partly because he found himself feeling ashamed that he lived in relative squalor compared to Deveraux’s place and he didn’t want Dev to know that.

The car parked, but Dev kept it running as he turned a little in the seat to look Lex over once more. Something in him didn’t really want to watch him leave, but he swallowed any urge to say so. 

“If you decide not to come back, it was nice to meet you.”

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